whY wE likE taT onE aR??
spOrtS...diFferenT spOrtS arE pOpulaR aT diFfereNt timeS???lasT timE...baDmintOn...theN baSkeTbaLL...theN noW baDmiNtOn aGaiN...fuNny...
yeSterdeA...sO shioK!!plaY baDmintOn...wiF xiN tinG & yOke chinG...plaY uNtiL 5.30p.m likE taT...mY hanD so0o0 tireD!!!p.s:whO caN heLp mii maSsagE???*pLeasE??*juS jOkin!!
mii plaY wiF sOme PrimarY 2s erM..oR priimarY 1s??aiyA...anIthinG laH..theY play quitE fuNny...actioN biG...buT thE shuTTlecOck didn'T paSs(flY) tO us...whAhaHahA...yaH!!tomOrroW plaYinG aGaiN!!!haiZ...moNdeA goT oraL leh!!!sO saD...
buaI buaI....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
uH oH!!lOng tiMe neVer wRitE bLog...sOrri...
soRRi sOrrI...sOrrI foR noT wriTinG mY bLog 4 sO lonG...causE hoR...nothiNg speCiaL hapPen & i'vE noT beeN plaYinG mY coMputeR siNce mY lasT enTry...hAhA...
wOw!!mY siSta ceLestA ceLebraTed heR 16tH biRthdeA aT doWntowN eaSt chaLet fRoM 15 juLy tO 17juLy...yeSteRdeA jusT camE bacK....iT waS sOo fuN!!!
15tH juLy^juSt reaCh chaLet...wOohOo!!reaCh terE theN puT uR baG at dA rooM....theN go wHitE sanDs sHopiNg ceNtrE tO buY thE itEMs 4 dA BBQ...thEn....gO bacK dA chaLet...reSt anD acTuaLLy wE(mY famiLy & eDdy,) did nOthinG...haHa...aT niGht...wE sO caLLed "shOppeD" aT thE shOps aT thE liTTle "ceNtrE" theRe...wE reNteD thE disC...(gamE) foR dA X-boX iN ouR rM..."HALO2"sHootinG gamE...quitE scaRy...thIs buTtoN 4 dirEctioNs...thiS buTtoN 4 waLkinG...thEn mY faTheR plaY...he shoOt dA ceiLinG..hAhA...;
16tH juLy^BBQ deA!!!"haO bU roNg yI"waiT untiL todeA...hehE...anD aLsO "haO bU rOnG yI waiT untiL 5pM...it'S dA tiMe weN wE staRt BBQ'inG'...sOon...ppL staRted coMinG//yeA!!!waH...sO goOd...mY siSta goT sO manY preseNts...thE cuteSt iS 1 veRy vEry bigG wiNnie e poOh...hahA...iM sOo famoUss....(WINNIEfred)anD oFf courSe...2 veRy cuTe sMall wiNniE e pOoh...thEy saY taT mY siSta iS thE motheR...the biGg winNiE e pOoh isH e faTher...theN thE 2 smaLL onEs arE thE chiLdreN...i thoUghT thE faTher shouLd bE eDdY??aT niTe...moSt oF thEm whO camE tO cHaleT gO tO OCH(olD chanGi hoSpitaL,)sO gooD...i aLso wanT tO gO leH...buT mI aLso sCareD...heHe...theNaFter thEy gO...(onEs whO gO OCH haBeN comE bacK)i slepT....weN i woke uP...i waS suRpriseD thaT its oNly 1++aM...anD theRe arE stiLL erM...arouNd...7ppL???i tiNk sO...thEn...wE weNt tO thE beAch...iTs rouNd 3++aM ...theN...erM...weNt baCk tO chaLeT...sLepT aT aRouNd 6++aM...i listen thE naTioNaL sOng unTil i faLL asLeeP...maYbE the soNgs caN bE useD aS sleepinG piLLs???hahA...
17tH juLy^gOinG bacK liaO...soO fasT...nOthiNg hapPen...buT wE foRgoTTen ouR keYs...theN hav tO asK thE worKerS opEn thE dooR tO helP us takE....waiT veRy loNg leH!!thEn taKe buS gO hoMe..
oH!!i miSs mY beD...mY beD so coLd...cOld cOld onE...theN soFt soFt onE....theN 4++pM wokE uP...weNt to heLp ouT aT mY gRandmA's neW housE....
okiE...i'll sTop...byE byE!!!
wOw!!mY siSta ceLestA ceLebraTed heR 16tH biRthdeA aT doWntowN eaSt chaLet fRoM 15 juLy tO 17juLy...yeSteRdeA jusT camE bacK....iT waS sOo fuN!!!
15tH juLy^juSt reaCh chaLet...wOohOo!!reaCh terE theN puT uR baG at dA rooM....theN go wHitE sanDs sHopiNg ceNtrE tO buY thE itEMs 4 dA BBQ...thEn....gO bacK dA chaLet...reSt anD acTuaLLy wE(mY famiLy & eDdy,) did nOthinG...haHa...aT niGht...wE sO caLLed "shOppeD" aT thE shOps aT thE liTTle "ceNtrE" theRe...wE reNteD thE disC...(gamE) foR dA X-boX iN ouR rM..."HALO2"sHootinG gamE...quitE scaRy...thIs buTtoN 4 dirEctioNs...thiS buTtoN 4 waLkinG...thEn mY faTheR plaY...he shoOt dA ceiLinG..hAhA...;
16tH juLy^BBQ deA!!!"haO bU roNg yI"waiT untiL todeA...hehE...anD aLsO "haO bU rOnG yI waiT untiL 5pM...it'S dA tiMe weN wE staRt BBQ'inG'...sOon...ppL staRted coMinG//yeA!!!waH...sO goOd...mY siSta goT sO manY preseNts...thE cuteSt iS 1 veRy vEry bigG wiNnie e poOh...hahA...iM sOo famoUss....(WINNIEfred)anD oFf courSe...2 veRy cuTe sMall wiNniE e pOoh...thEy saY taT mY siSta iS thE motheR...the biGg winNiE e pOoh isH e faTher...theN thE 2 smaLL onEs arE thE chiLdreN...i thoUghT thE faTher shouLd bE eDdY??aT niTe...moSt oF thEm whO camE tO cHaleT gO tO OCH(olD chanGi hoSpitaL,)sO gooD...i aLso wanT tO gO leH...buT mI aLso sCareD...heHe...theNaFter thEy gO...(onEs whO gO OCH haBeN comE bacK)i slepT....weN i woke uP...i waS suRpriseD thaT its oNly 1++aM...anD theRe arE stiLL erM...arouNd...7ppL???i tiNk sO...thEn...wE weNt tO thE beAch...iTs rouNd 3++aM ...theN...erM...weNt baCk tO chaLeT...sLepT aT aRouNd 6++aM...i listen thE naTioNaL sOng unTil i faLL asLeeP...maYbE the soNgs caN bE useD aS sleepinG piLLs???hahA...
17tH juLy^gOinG bacK liaO...soO fasT...nOthiNg hapPen...buT wE foRgoTTen ouR keYs...theN hav tO asK thE worKerS opEn thE dooR tO helP us takE....waiT veRy loNg leH!!thEn taKe buS gO hoMe..
oH!!i miSs mY beD...mY beD so coLd...cOld cOld onE...theN soFt soFt onE....theN 4++pM wokE uP...weNt to heLp ouT aT mY gRandmA's neW housE....
okiE...i'll sTop...byE byE!!!
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