Tuesday, June 28, 2005


haHa!!whaT haPpeN iN claSs todaY is reAllY veRy fuNnY!!!i haVe a cLasSmaTe,caLLed mEi qI...iF mY claSsmaTe saW tiS bLog...(exCepT 4 aRshaD,)i'M suRe taT theY'll reCall thE iNcIdeNt whiCh taKe plaCe afTer rEcesS!!!it'S reaL fuNny...isN't iT??? i saW thE wHolE "pRoceSs"haHa...thE funniEst was whEN meI Qi acTuaLLy suDDenlY woKe uP anD looKed leFt & riGht anD closeD heR eyEs agaiN...hahA..."leaVe heR aLonE"tatS waT mdM nooRaNi saId...actuAlly...i doN thiNk she'S "siaO"...anD sHe masSagEd heR eyEs ....onLy tO thiNk taT wE doN noE she'S slpinG...shE brOughT uS alot oF hapPineSs & eM...craZineSs??haha...mei qi mei qi mei qi!!!thaNk euU....(oN behaLf oF dA whoLe claSs...)
waH...todaY watcH dA neWs...anotheR gaL droWned...sO saD...anD thE bOy hoNg zi jiaN...aIyaH...theiR pareNt....muSt be verY saD...seE the boy'S muM...shE cRy untiL likEheR teaRs are dryinG uP...so0o0 saD....

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