Tuesday, June 28, 2005


haHa!!whaT haPpeN iN claSs todaY is reAllY veRy fuNnY!!!i haVe a cLasSmaTe,caLLed mEi qI...iF mY claSsmaTe saW tiS bLog...(exCepT 4 aRshaD,)i'M suRe taT theY'll reCall thE iNcIdeNt whiCh taKe plaCe afTer rEcesS!!!it'S reaL fuNny...isN't iT??? i saW thE wHolE "pRoceSs"haHa...thE funniEst was whEN meI Qi acTuaLLy suDDenlY woKe uP anD looKed leFt & riGht anD closeD heR eyEs agaiN...hahA..."leaVe heR aLonE"tatS waT mdM nooRaNi saId...actuAlly...i doN thiNk she'S "siaO"...anD sHe masSagEd heR eyEs ....onLy tO thiNk taT wE doN noE she'S slpinG...shE brOughT uS alot oF hapPineSs & eM...craZineSs??haha...mei qi mei qi mei qi!!!thaNk euU....(oN behaLf oF dA whoLe claSs...)
waH...todaY watcH dA neWs...anotheR gaL droWned...sO saD...anD thE bOy hoNg zi jiaN...aIyaH...theiR pareNt....muSt be verY saD...seE the boy'S muM...shE cRy untiL likEheR teaRs are dryinG uP...so0o0 saD....

Sunday, June 26, 2005

moN gOinG baCk tO scHooL liaO...

waH....moN goiNg bacK tO shooL lE....timE flY sO fasT...thEn noW whAt i'M wisHin iisH dA decEmbeR hoLidaYs...haHa...musT sEe mdM _ _ _ _ _ _ _'s eYes agAin...hAi....buT caN sEe mY freNs aGaiN...duRinG mY hoLidaY leSsoNs...nOthiNg sPeciaL hapPen acTuaLLy...buT whEn i goT inTo da claSs...eveRyoNe iisH likE strAngErs...i meAn...gaLs & boYs..boYs don'T taLk to gaLs...gaL doN't taLk tO boYs...thE feeLinG is quiTe fuNny...jusT likE wheN i firSt goT inTo tiS claSs....everYonE waS a sTranGer tO mE...excEpt foR thoSe whO haD beeN iN tHe saMe cLasS aS mE bEforE...
oN 22nD juNe...joEy,xiN tiNg & yoKe chiNg caMe to mY houSe...iT waS sO fuN!!!anD bEcauSe oF onE soNg "Chi Bang"i asKed xiN tinG to briNg cyNdi'S aLbuM,"hoNeY"....haHa...sO noW...iN mY mp3...goT 3 cyNdi'S soNg,"hoNey","chI baNg" & "qiAo qiAo baN", 1 guaNg liAnG's "toNg huA" 3 jaY cHou'S soNg,"aI zaI xI yuaN qiaN","jiAn daN aI"&"wU diNg"....anD 58 sonGs bY S.H.E....i'M a faN oF S.H.E....wHahAhaHa...anD waT haPpeN duRiNg thEiR viSiT waS....baKinG cooKieS!!!chOcOlatE cHipS & rAinboW drOps waS sPriNkleD oN dA cOokieS...

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


woW....thE "juE duI suPerstAr"iisH aT dA quAteR finaLs...oR waT?aIya...anYthinG...haHa..
i woNder iF thE wiNNer iisH a boY oR gaL???i think it'S a gaL...waT dO yoU tinK??wheN mY jiE,eDdy &mE watCh thE aMeriCan iDol(AI)(jusT camE acRoss,wE doN waTch (AI)noRmaLLy......anD waT mY muM saY??"waH...coMparinG thE ameRicaNs anD uS,LAU KUI AH!!"buT....i thiNk itS okiE...i thInk taT siNgaporeaN okiE...i pRefeR siNgapoReaN...hahA...mY muM alsO thiNk taT...thE (M1,Sugianto)
voiCe iisH quIte uNiquE...okiE...yah...i tHinK so0 toO...hE sanG quIte weLL!!!& waT i thInk iish...thE juDges coMMenT iisH quiTe usEfuL & truE!!!eRm....thE gaLs...goT onE neH...thE onE whO oncE acTed aS a toMboY in "hoLLanD viLLagE"tV seriEs???shE goT quitAloT of seLf-coNfidEnce...thEse supErstaRs oF dA fuTurE haB quitAloT of poTentiaL...wiSh taT dA rEsuLts wiLL coMe ouT quicK!!!

mE fiNaLLy haVe a bLoG....

hiYa...mE fiNaLLy haVe a bLog....hAhA...
tOdeI...muSt gO sChooL foR hOlidaY lEssoNs...moN,tueS & weDs...waH...mY foRm teAcheR...mDm "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"hoR...vEry sTricT onE...onCe,shE asKeD thE whOle cLasS..."wHy dO yoU aLL thinK i'M firCe??"onE oF mY cLasSmatE rePlieD..."whEn yoU sCoLd uS,yoUr eyEs wiLL sTarE aT uS aS iF youR eyE baLLs arE gOinG tO POP OUT!"haHa!!i'M sO eXciteD bouT toMorRoW...!mY 2 freNs...xiN tiNg & yoKe cHinG iisH cominG to mY houSe afTer ouR hoLs lEsSoN...
tHesE feW moNths...i haVe bEen goiNg to moreatonce.com tO seE aT thE poSt 4 dA poStin for the 2nD moSt poPulaR cLasS...andbEcauSe oF tiS poSt...quArreLs ocCureD betWeeN 6A& mY clAsS,6E...maYbE iF wE diD noT creaTe thE poSt,tHe quArReLs woN't hapPeN...(noT teNding tO scOld thE peRsoN whO sTartEd wHo isH xiN tiNg,but it'S juSt whAt i'M thiNkinG...)
toDeii iisH aLso thE firsT tiMe i staRt tO writE a bLog...so...wiSh taT i'LL