Tuesday, September 05, 2006

walaus .heard a really sad news via Freindster Bulletin Board .

Subject: Steve lrwin T_T
Message: If u haven 't heard already, Steve Irwin (the CrocodileHunter that u see all the time on TV) died today onthe 4th of September, on the att Reef, pierced by astingray barb through his heart near Cairns. As asign of respect for the Australian cultural icon, please place a turtle ( tu ) at the Start of ur MSN name, and forward this message on to others"go put in your msn nick!

SAD huh?!so sad la .i used to enjoy his show,when my hse got SatrHub Cable Tv lo .but now dont have le .i today then heard the news lo .yesterday actually jiu have le horr?but today then i noe ..-.=
i yesterday got read the newspaper lo .but i din see anything ..
haiis .
September 4, 2006, he was filming underwater documentary footage when a stingray that he was swimming near extended its barb into his chest, resulting in his death.
(FROM,wikipedia the free encyclopedia)
walaus .stupid stingray .make Steve Irwin lose his life ..

anywaes .see the bulletin?ask us to put the turtle rite?i GOT put lo .and i go see the MSN contacts,alot of ppl got put also!wowows .got flower also .i put both la .hmms .
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"Steve Irwin,REST IN PEACE .
your shows are really great ."

arrgh .im getting weird here .
okokayes,stop talking about him lo .
i had IT today .(animation ,enrichment class .)
then we wrote and drew a story,and our grp got 7.5/10!(grp members inclu. me,joannegoh,aprilee,shiling!)
wowow .quite high le lehh .among the rest..ok..then went to band room .then took cab home together with shiling.joanne.jiarong .then uh .now bloggin lo .OK la .i gtg liao le .bbyes .

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